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Great Bay Anglican Church

A new Christian community on the seacoast of New Hampshire

Home: Welcome

Worship Gatherings

Join us every Sunday evening from 4:00 - 6:00 PM! Our worship services begins at 4:00 PM, and immediately following we enjoy a home-cooked meal together. Children are dismissed from the service to participate in GBA Kids, where they engage in a thoughtfully prepared liturgy of their own. Kids will rejoin the service for Communion and our meal together. ​If you have any questions about our services or GBA Kids, reach out to us!

Meet Our Team


Rev. Brandon Walsh

Brandon and Emily Walsh grew up in South Western New Hampshire and have lived all over the country and the world. They love people, good food, and, above all, Jesus. They have three children, Elsa, Ivan, and Iris. 

Bethany Kimball
Director of Children's Ministry

Bethany is a music and psychology student at the University of New Hampshire. She is passionate about making Christ known to the next generation through gospel-centered, bible based, intentional discipleship. If you have further questions about our children's ministry, always feel free to reach out to her!

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Nick Friend
Director of Communications

Nick has been involved with Great Bay for the last two years, and recently began working at Great Bay to oversee all of our communications. Nick, along with his wife, Emily, graduated from Gordon College where they studied Christian Ministry and Biblical Studies. Nick cares deeply about supporting the local church and seeing people grow in intimacy with the Lord.

When someone worships with us, we want them to...

Encounter a life-expanding Gospel

Find their story is woven into God’s story

Know and be deeply known by others


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What does it mean to be Anglican?


Bumbogo Parish: Anglican Church of Rwanda

Anglicanism is a form of Christianity that traces its roots to England. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Church of England broke ties with Pope in Rome and changed the worship and theology of the church.  In particular, they emphasized salvation by Grace and changed the language of worship from Latin to English. Their dream was for every family in England to have a Bible and a prayerbook, which would allow for all people to pursue a life of spiritual maturity without becoming a monk or nun. Anglicanism has often been called the via media, or the way between, because it takes much of ancient church worship, theology, and structure (catholicity) and marries it to a more reformed (or evangelical) theology.  It’s the way between Protestantism and Catholicism.


Today, there are dozens of Anglican Provinces all around the world, from India to Rwanda. Our church is part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) which was formed by a number of other churches in the Global South. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who leads the Church of England, is just one of many Archbishops around the world and does not have direct authority in the same way the Pope does. 


Most Anglicans in the world now live in Africa, Asia, and South America, but our own church has grown rapidly over the past decade, with new churches like ours being planted all across North America. 

Our church is a part of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope, and Bishop Steven Breedlove is our Bishop. Bishop Steve has been a close mentor of Brandon's for a decade. 

Get in Touch

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